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We created belief…

through an upgrade that reimagined Tesco’s corporate websites

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More than an upgrade

Tesco has always had an eye on the future. Each of its six corporate websites were using Umbraco 7 as their CMS, and the product was reaching the end of its lifecycle. Moving to Umbraco’s latest version would provide a more solid and secure platform, open-up new technologies and empower the retailer to meet user and business needs for years to come. We seized the upgrade as an opportunity to unify user experience, align the sites with Tesco strategy and build a powerful platform for future development.

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Umbraco Gold Partner
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Rationalised and relevant

We rationalised the wealth of elements and functions that had been added to the sites organically over the years against the latest content and user needs. Running an agile process and leaning on our Umbraco Gold Partner expertise, we took the best components from each site and replaced the obsolete to provide one combined codebase for all six websites. Result: an improved, unified editorial process and simpler hosting, maintenance and future development.

Tesco Sustainability
Robust. Secure. Future-proof.

Tesco’s corporate websites now have a robust, secure and future-proof underlying platform. Critically, they also have access to tech that boosts performance and makes adding new functionality in the future simple and less costly. In line with Tesco’s sustainability strategy, we also improved hosting infrastructure, adding in always-on redundancy while significantly reducing energy consumption. RY’s digital experts are leading CMS training with Tesco’s teams and we’ll continue to optimise the sites together in the months and years ahead.