Targeting top spot
While the proud nation of Wales ranked third in the world at recycling, the Welsh Government and WRAP Cymru had grand ambitions to hit the top spot by 2050. But something was standing in the way: household food waste recycling was in steep decline, from 91% in 2019 to 78% in 2022. With 60% of all food waste originating in the home, WRAP Cymru turned to RY to reawaken its Be Mighty. Recycle campaign – and get the nation recycling food waste once again.

From yuck factor to electrifying impact
We identified two common barriers to food waste recycling: the ‘yuck factor’ and a lack of clarity on the value of doing it (it’s used to generate electricity and as fertiliser). As the nation plunged into an energy crisis, we crafted a campaign that dramatised the very real ‘power’ of food waste and shared simple hacks to overcome yucky sights and smells.

Power to the people
Our campaign took in animations, influencer content and film across social media, radio and PR in a three-week burst across the country that drove huge engagement across all audiences. Campaign results are on their way and will help us shape further bursts across 2023 – in the long run, we’ll assess how the campaign has influenced food waste recycling behaviour.
The films picked up a Gold for Best Social Campaign at the Evcom London Live and Film Awards, and a Silver and Bronze at the Evcom Clarion Awards.