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We created belief...

…in the importance of safety at Mondi by making it personal

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A mixed attitude to safety

From forestry sites to chemical plants, Mondi’s Uncoated Fine Paper (UFP) sites cover a breadth of countries, languages, cultures and working environments. While many of these sites had strong cultures of safety, accidents were still happening and, when they did, it was often within the contractor workforce. This suggested that, for some, the importance of personal safety still wasn’t resonating.

Mondi Safety
Making it personal

We spoke to staff at every level and at every site to build a thorough understanding of the barriers and enablers of safe behaviours across Mondi. While working practices differed, one thing did not: everyone had their own personal reason to be safe. Our creative approach framed the importance of safety in these individual reasons – from being there for family to participating in sports – and allowed us to position safety as something that enables good times rather than getting in the way.

Mondi Health and Safety teaser
A safer workforce

Mondi sites have been energised and engaged by the fresh approach, with managers empowered to use their imagination as they localised creative assets. With a refreshed and reimagined safety campaign, Mondi are ready to continue to their journey to a safer workforce.

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