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We created belief...

in the power of GSK’s science
by making it ‘hyper real’

Making expertise real

At its heart, GSK’s business is science. Its scientists – their discoveries, their breakthroughs – drive the organisation forward. Bringing this deep, complex and technical expertise to life in communications wasn’t straightforward, however. GSK asked us to look at how we could achieve this in a modern, ownable and intriguing way with content that would showcase the talent at the core of the company.

GSK Science Images
Visualising the molecular

An audit exploring how science, innovation and tech were visualised in the sector and beyond gave us the way forward: we needed to go ‘hyper real’. Our approach became all about recreating human molecules and cells accurately and at massive resolution, adding ownable colours and movement. We modelled them in 3D, using photo-realistic rendering techniques creating powerful images and short animations for use both on and offline.

Pioneering approach, elevated understanding

Such has been the success of the imagery in bringing GSK’s core expertise to life, we’ve now captured our approach in a set of design principles that guide how new imagery should be created for use across the organisation’s entire communications. The images have now become a critical tool for as it updates stakeholders on progress in key therapy areas and tells its broader science story.