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RY celebrates 15 years of film
A lot has changed in film-making – but some things have remained the same

Today’s a special day at RY – our film team has turned 15.
The world has gone through a lot of change since 2007 – and so has filmmaking. We’ve gone from tape to digital. From iPhone 1 to iPhone 14. From Facebook to the Metaverse.
But while these technological changes have transformed how we consume content – and the tools at our disposal to make it – for us, some things have remained the same. The crafting of the smallest details, frame-by-frame, to provoke a reaction. The building of ideas on foundations of human insight, market understanding and communications nous. The engineering of moments to illicit emotion, from shock or sadness through to runaway excitement. The layering of message, structure and sound to tell stories with the power to engage, enrapture and inform.
So, while our film team remains one of the most technologically advanced out there, it’s also proudly of the filmmaking old-school. And that’s why we’ve been able to continue making effective, award-winning films – films that really matter – for so long, and for the likes of GSK, bp, Recycle Week, ILO, Visit Scotland, Science Museum, Pwc, Rio Tinto, Unilever and Network Rail.
There’s another big reason it’s all been possible, of course: we've been lucky enough to work with bold, ambitious and visionary clients with stories to tell. Thanks to all of you – it’s been a pleasure to partner with you.
Here’s to the next 15 years.