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We created belief…

in Mondi’s sustainability ambitions during a year of significant change

Runaway transparency

In a year of big change, we put openness front and centre across the breadth of the reporting. This was brought to life through a ‘question and answer’ format that ran through all sections to demonstrate how Mondi is pre-empting and addressing emerging stakeholder needs. Elsewhere, candid leadership interactions, ‘lessons learned’ features and consolidated performance snapshots offered balance on a range of themes. In response to evolving disclosure requirements, we detailed activities and partnerships across Mondi’s integrated value chain and expanded governance disclosures across the suite. Mondi’s decision to divest its Russian operations prompted a need to clarify the impacts transparently.

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Continual improvement

Mondi is an award-winning sustainability reporter, and each year it continues to raise the bar. Having established its MAP2030 sustainability framework over the previous two years, we focused this year’s report on capturing progress and challenges alongside making the transition to meet updated GRI Universal Standards. But the company’s response to international events would have an even greater impact.

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A connected suite

The reports successfully demonstrate Mondi’s persistence in driving progress against its ambitions, including the launch of strengthened SBTi-approved Net Zero GHG targets, during a year of significant change. Combined through the Integrated Report, Sustainable Development report and supporting indices, the connected suite offers stronger transparency and rigour, and is fully aligned with key sustainability standards and frameworks.