Return to work

We created belief...

in GPE’s ability to manage a period of upheaval and change

the display of the social report on a table device
The UK’s capital in question

GPE, a London property investment and development company, had been working on a strategy to decarbonise its business and become net zero by 2030. But when the pandemic struck, GPE faced a communications challenge that was the biggest we’d seen in 15 years of working with them. Annual reporting had to deliver an important message: the future of London as a place to work, shop and live was still bright.

A coffee shop with people working inside
A hand browsing a website on a phone
a man and woman talking to each other
Reporting with context and direction

We crafted reporting content that deftly bridged a clear perspective on the economic and social challenges GPE was facing with a case for confidence in London as a place workers and communities would return to. Cutting-through mounting speculation on the capital’s future, messaging provided reassurance for today by focusing on sustainable HQs and flexible spaces. Elsewhere, we painted an inspiring picture of the future by bringing to life GPE’s strategy to develop desirable, flexible buildings for environmentally-aware workers and shoppers.

Message understood

While there’s rarely clear correlation between the release of an annual report and a company’s share price, steady appreciation in GPE’s share price since the report’s launch suggests GPE’s message is both understood and believed.

the mock up of the report on a book