Balancing complexity and clarity
Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI) publish an annual sustainability report to communicate its sustainability approach and progress with a broad range of over twelve audience groups. This same report is also used to satisfy the UK Stewardship Code. Our key objectives for this year were based on feedback, and centred on to bringing down the length and complexity of the report. But given the various audiences groups and regulatory requirements that this single report was meant to address, the report ran the risk of potentially trying to please everyone, but ending up pleasing no one.
Focusing messaging through collaboration
Reducing pagination required a tight focus on key messaging, and so we ran an interactive content strategy workshop with 10 key stakeholders from AllianzGI which used a collaborative online platform to identify primary audiences out of the initial twelve, explore their profile and communication needs, and establish key messaging that would resonate with each group. Matt Christensen, their Head of Sustainable and Impact Investing, attended the workshop and provided significant leadership insights into AllianzGI’s successes, challenges and future sustainability ambitions. During the content development phase, we also introduced interviews with lead content owners to further flesh out these key messages alongside content updates. We also designed bespoke infogrpahics to further streamline and enhance content.
Streamlined design, enhanced engagement
The outcomes of the workshop and interviews with the copywriter established the
foundation for a more focused and engaging report that achieved a 30% reduction
in pagination concentrating on key messages, repurposing content, streamlining design, and using infographics more purposefully. Feedback received on the report has been positive, including around the reduced page count. AllianzGI and RY will continue to work together to produce the 2024 Sustainability and Stewardship Code report, building on the success of the 2023 Report.